APY=Annual Percentage Yield. All rates and yields are anticipated and variable, unless otherwise stated, and may be adjusted without prior notice.
Certificate accounts with a specific term earn the opening APY until the end of the term, unless otherwise specified. Maximum combined Promo Certificate deposits of $1,000,000 per household. All certificate APYs assume dividends remain on deposit until maturity. If the dividends are withdrawn prior to maturity, the APY will be lower. Withdrawals, penalties and fees may reduce principal and earnings. Penalties will apply for early withdrawals. Additional penalties may be imposed by the IRS on IRA Certificates. All rates, terms, services and conditions are subject to change without notice. Certificate will automatically renew into like term at the prevailing dividend rate unless you tell us otherwise. New money is money that is not currently on deposit at Mission Fed; funds transferred from an existing Mission Fed account do not qualify as new money. Existing money are funds currently on deposit at Mission Fed.
Bump Rate Certificate – You may make a one-time request to adjust your dividend rate to the rate currently offered for our standard certificate of the same term; promotional rates are excluded from the bump rate option. The new rate will be effective the day the rate bump is requested through the maturity date listed on your certificate disclosure; requests must be made by calling or visiting a Mission Fed branch. The Bump Rate Certificate will automatically renew into a regular Certificate for the same term at the rate in effect at the time of renewal unless you tell us otherwise. All Annual Percentage Yields assume that dividends will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal of dividends will reduce earnings.
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