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Share Certificates 

If you’re looking for a competitive share certificate rate, look no further than Mission Fed. With a variety of certificate options, you’re sure to find an account that is right for you and will help you reach your goals faster.

Our share certificates offer peace of mind with a competitive dividend rate and the flexibility to choose a term that fits your investment needs. Our Regular Certificate is best for earning higher dividends than our savings accounts or money market accounts. Estimate how much you could earn on your savings!

Open a Certificate on your terms: click the link below to open online, call 800.500.6328 or visit your favorite branch.

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Certificate Promos

Looking for a competitive rate? Check out our Promotional Certificates.
See All Rates

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APY=Annual Percentage Yield. All rates and yields are anticipated and variable, unless otherwise stated, and may be adjusted without prior notice.

Certificate accounts with a specific term earn the opening APY until the end of the term, unless otherwise specified. Maximum combined Promo Certificate deposits of $1,000,000 per household. All certificate APYs assume dividends remain on deposit until maturity. If the dividends are withdrawn prior to maturity, the APY will be lower. Withdrawals, penalties and fees may reduce principal and earnings. Penalties will apply for early withdrawals. Additional penalties may be imposed by the IRS on IRA Certificates. All rates, terms, services and conditions are subject to change without notice. Certificate will automatically renew into like term at the prevailing dividend rate unless you tell us otherwise. New money is money that is not currently on deposit at Mission Fed; funds transferred from an existing Mission Fed account do not qualify as new money. Existing money are funds currently on deposit at Mission Fed.

Bump Rate Certificate – You may make a one-time request to adjust your dividend rate to the rate currently offered for our standard certificate of the same term; promotional rates are excluded from the bump rate option. The new rate will be effective the day the rate bump is requested through the maturity date listed on your certificate disclosure; requests must be made by calling or visiting a Mission Fed branch. The Bump Rate Certificate will automatically renew into a regular Certificate for the same term at the rate in effect at the time of renewal unless you tell us otherwise. All Annual Percentage Yields assume that dividends will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal of dividends will reduce earnings.

Federally Insured by NCUA

Dividend Rates & Disclosures

Term Certificates

Competitive dividend rates and flexibility. Open a Certificate today.
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Open Account
Term $2K Minimum APY $10K Minimum APY $100K Minimum APY
3 months 3.00% 3.05% 3.10%
6 months 3.95% 4.00% 4.05%
12 months 4.35% 4.35% 4.35%
18 months 2.60% 2.65% 2.70%
24 months 2.95% 3.00% 3.05%
36 months 1.95% 2.00% 2.05%
48 months 1.95% 2.00% 2.05%
60 months 1.95% 2.00% 2.05%

Must meet membership and account criteria. APY=Annual Percentage Yield. The annual percentage is anticipated and variable, unless otherwise stated Certificate accounts with a specific term earn the opening APY until the end of the term, unless otherwise specified. APYs assume dividends will remain in the account. Withdrawals and fees may reduce earnings. Penalties for early withdrawals apply. Advertised APYs and terms are subject to change without notice. Restrictions apply.

Dividend Rates & Disclosures

Estimate how much you could earn on your savings!

Looking for higher rates and more flexibility?

If you’re looking for higher rates, but also like flexibility, consider using your funds to open several certificates with different terms to reach your savings goals. You may have heard this referred to as “laddering” your certificates. For example, if you have $50,000 in a Money Market Account, you could open a:

  • 1-year Term Certificate with $10,000
  • 2-year Term Certificate with $10,000
  • 3-year Term Certificate with $10,000
  • 4-year Term Certificate with $10,000
  • 5-year Term Certificate with $10,000

If rates go up, you have some flexibility with certificates maturing at different times. Take a look at our rates and calculate your dividends for your account to decide what would work best for you.

woman in car happy

Money Market Accounts

Mission Fed’s Money Market accounts are designed for both short-term and longer-term savings needs, depending on your lifestyle and budget.

Learn More
women taking picture

Retirement Accounts

Raymond James located at Mission Fed Credit Union provides financial planning services because we believe everyone deserves a healthy financial future. Our investment services team provides personalized financial planning based on your retirement goals and timeline.

Learn More
Employee and member smiling at office desk

Ready to Open Your Certificate?

To open a Certificate, log into Mobile or Online Banking, call 800.500.6328 or visit your favorite branch today! Choose a time that works for you.

Make an Appointment


Must meet membership and account criteria. APY=Annual Percentage Yield. The annual percentage is anticipated and variable, unless otherwise stated Certificate accounts with a specific term earn the opening APY until the end of the term, unless otherwise specified. APYs assume dividends will remain in the account. Withdrawals and fees may reduce earnings. Penalties for early withdrawal apply. Advertised APYs and terms are subject to change without notice. Restrictions apply.